Sunday, March 27, 2011

Will it go round in circles?

Maybe not today, but...............

I did my best to post my blog yesterday while everything was still fresh in my mind, but for some unexplained reason, during a short break so I could eat something, Blogger kicked me off, never to let me post again last night!!!!
So here it is a day late but still damned interesting-

With another great crew on hand, we managed to finish the installation of the turntable tie strapping. The ties  were drilled out for lag bolts then the bolts were driven home by a gas powered socket wrench. While this was being completed, the guys began the drilling to install the "j-clamps". These clamps tie the large 15 foot timbers to the bridge girders, effectively making the deck and the bridge 1 complete unit.
We had 20 to install and I believe that we got 18 of them installed yesterday. If we can have dry weather all week, we should be able to install the last 2 next Saturday as there was a pool of water on the west side of the pit that kept us away.
When the straps were installed, we moved onto the handrail installation. Last week we loosened all of the set screws on the vertical stantions in order to move them around to match the new tie spacing. The crew ran a string line to keep the bases perfectly aligned then drilled out the 4 mounting holes per base and installed them using galvanized lag bolts. The stantions installed, we turned our attention to the lower rail and installed the 3 pieces. Since the rail broke apart at the couplings, we decided to cut the threaded couplings off and order new screw down couplings for installation next week. After the lower rail went in using parts from the 2nd railing for temporary positioning, we added the vertical piping and finally, the upper railing.

While this was being wrapped up, a few of us began the installation of the split ring electrical box on top of the turntables overhead arch assembly.
First on was a simple plate that we temporarily attached with 4 bolts. We will need to replace all temporary bolts with galvanized parts to withstand the weather. Then the electrical conduit was attached with 2 bolts as we will need to ream out a couple of drilled holes. we then studied the actual electrical collector which sits atop the entire unit.
At the bottom there is a 2 inch threaded nipple which sits inside the previously installed electrical conduit and is set in place with set screws so it cannot move.this nipple is threaded through a flat steel plate which is where all of the internal parts are bolted to so it can turn freely inside. then inside this box is a 4 piece rotor assembly that sends the electric to the control stand ON the turnmtable.
The rotor has a set of contacts that rub against the ring. These contacts are where the electric supply from LIPA attaches with bolts. From 2 color photos ( Bill Rugen photgrapher) which were given to me by our friend Art Huneke, we can clearly see that the actual box and plate do not move as the plate is attached by clamps to 2 guide wires which are strung from the 2 light poles on opposite sides of the turntable. The pole on the East side is the one in the photos, however, the pole on the West side is not positioned properly as the original one must have been removed when the turntable was taken out of service.
We will need to have a pole installed which is EXACTLY 180 degress to the original pole so we can re- attach the 2 guide wires and have the 115volt feeds (and ground) brought back to the turntable collector box. These wires all show very clearly in the photos.
Thanks to Doug Kasner for figuring out the internal wiring of the box!!!!

As if this were not enough, our 2 interns from Barry Technical schools welding department,  James & Joseph, busied themselves with the replacement of the Ping Pongs roof sheet patches. The first of the 4 corners will be completed next week and they will begin the second corner then.

All in all, a GREAT day weather, people and work wise!
Sometimes I fail to mention everyone who has been instrumental on these projects, so here goes-
Me, Mike Efthymiou, Steven Torborg, Wayne Beers (who does a phenominal job of welding), Doug Kasner, Leon Daitz, Rich Brody, George Mutari George Ferraro, Steve Rothaug, Alan Biershank, Mark Godoy, John Specce, Elliot Courtney, John Grocki, Gerard Jewels, Mark Licari (all from the LIST chapter NRHS), Evan & Ronnie Schnepf, Rick Imperato, Michael Okunowitch, Bill Krushinski Harvey Sadowsky, Paul Floroff and many others who my mind is just forgettig. Please do not be pissed off at me, my brain farts are getting closer and closer these days.
Here are some shots from the session. I hope you enjoy them
handrail instaaltion-3

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