Monday, August 23, 2010

A stellar performance-again!

An overcast day greeted me as I arrived at the display yard around 8am on Saturday 8-21-10.
I started up the forklift and let it warm up while I plotted the days goals.
Putting away the left side valve gear for #35 AND attempting to get the second coat of primer on the turntable motor frame assembly were my goals for the day.

Fortunately, volunteers (you gotta love 'em!) started arriving a t 8:30 and we were able to  accomplish the first goal-valve gear relocation. While the foklift was running, I then put both pilot truck bearing box lock bars onto the work tables. These needed to be cleaned and coated: a simple task, but necessary.

I put a crew on the turntable frame painting and had another of our knowledgable volunteers working on the braking assembly. Many bolts needed to be removed as well as the various sizes of pins which had rotted cotter pins broken off inside of them.
Jeff worked all day getting all of the broken cotter pins removed and had all of the parts given to him completed. This was a dirty job, but he got it done.

At the same time. Paul worked on getting all of the brake assembly parts coated with 2 coats of EXTEND and ready for primer for next weeks work session.
The junior volunteers did a great job of primering the frame and finishing the pilot truck parts
As far as I can see, the pilot truck portion of the restoration has been completed.

Next week-
We will have Keith Muldowny from Steam Operations Corp (S.O.C) paying us a visit to check on our progression of parts renovation for #35.
S.O.C is the contractor for the rebuilding of #35 and as I have already stated-
The more work WE do up in Oyster Bay, the less work THEY (S.O.C) have to do in Alabama. This will translate to more restoration for the same amnount of money!
We plan on getting the painting done on the turntable frame assembly next Saturday and will assemble a new round of parts from #35 to be worked on.
If we can get an air compressor, we will perform paint the removal project on  #35's drive wheels.


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